Fairhope High School
Counselor's Corner

Need ACT Help?
ALL Juniors have a FREE ACT Prep account!
Your login is your ibaldwin email address.
Your password is fhs12345
Huntingdon Learning Center
Beth Dotson
Peggy Varnado
Anna Beall
Tom Tomkins
Phillip Martin
Dr. Wycondia West
Click here for her website.
Sylvan Prep
Alabama Public Library
(Online and Free)
Click on "Alabama residents" tab and scroll down to mid page. Click on "Learning Express Library" and select "College admissions test preparation" (good for ACT, SAT, PSAT and AP exams)
Additional websites:

Fairhope High School takes pride in the fact that we prepare each and every student for life after high school. With the majority of our students being college bound, we started a new initiative to help boost ACT scores of those college bound students. In 9th and 10th grades, students are given a "mock" ACT test to help them determine their strengths and weaknesses. In study hall, students are given the opportunity to log in to the ACT Academy and practice on those concepts and standards in which they struggle.
The Department of Education provides one free ACT to every junior in the state of Alabama each spring. Each junior is given an ACT test prep account! Log in is your iBaldwin email and the password is: "Fhs12345". Students are allowed to take the ACT up to 12 times. There are a number of resources that can help you with ACT preparation. For a list of those, see below.
We recommend taking the ACT after sophomore year. The reason is because the ACT math portion has quite a bit of Geometry. Students will be more successful after taking this math class and they will have better writing for the English component. You can take the ACT up to 12 times and it is offered here at FHS 7 times a year so there’s no rush.
For a complete list of dates, visit www.act.org.

FHS has purchased CERT. This program has an excellent program to assist with the ACT. In fact, one of our perfect ACT scorers said this is what helped him!