Fairhope High School
Counselor's Corner
Most students will receive their summer school form before the end of the school year. If you need another summer school form, pick one up in the counseling office.
Summer School Hours:
8:30 - 12:00
Monday - Thursday
Students are required to be present each day of summer school until the course if complete.
Summer school is available to students who:
May be in danger of failing a course that is required for their diploma.
May have previously failed a course and need to catch up in order to stay on track.
May have requested to take a course this summer for other reasons.
Notes regarding summer school:
A student cannot move on in ENGLISH or MATH without successful completion of the previous year’s class or prerequisite. Ex: If a student fails English 10, but does not earn credit for it in summer school, he or she will be put back in English 10 during junior year and will be an English credit behind, and end up being retained after junior year. You cannot “double-up” in English at all and can only double in Math after Geometry. Being behind in either of these subjects can prevent a student from graduating on time!!!
A student can take HISTORY or SCIENCE out of sequence, but four history classes (including World History, United States History (1 & 2 OR APUS), and Government/Economics) and four science classes (including Biology and Physical Science/Chemistry) must be taken to earn a diploma.
All summer school classes are computer based. ALL students taking a course must report here in Baldwin County Schools dress code daily (Monday through Thursday). While they can do work at home after school hours, all tests must be taken in the school building during regular school hours. A student can only miss 1 day and must get prior approval for absences. After 2 days, the student will be withdrawn from their classes with no refund. In addition, 2 tardies (leaving early or coming in late) will equal 1 absence. Students who leave campus without prior authorization will be dismissed from summer school and will receive and automatic failing grade(s) with no refund.
If a student finishes a course successfully before the summer school end date, he or she will be dismissed. It is to the student’s advantage to work hard so that they don’t have to keep coming day after day. All tests must be taken on campus.
All summer school fees must be paid by on My School Bucks, CASH or MONEY ORDER and are due on or before MAY 31, no matter which session or course.
If you made a 40% or higher as your overall grade, you could complete summer school at a faster rate through Credit Recovery – Note: The maximum final grade for any Credit Recovery course is a 70. NCAA does NOT accept Credit Recovery classes.
If you have any other questions, please contact your grade level counselor with any questions/concerns regarding your academic plan and/or summer school.